MX Linux 23.3 Brings Debian 12.5 Base and Enhanced Features

MX Linux 23.3 features updated Debian 12.5 base, PipeWire 1.0, OEM language options, and the latest kernel updates.

A systemd-free MX Linux announced the release of MX-23.3, the third update of their โ€œLibrettoโ€ series. The release promises many improvements, including bug fixes, kernel updates, and application enhancements, so letโ€™s look at them.

MX 23-2: What’s New?

MX-23.3 is built on the Debian 12.5 “Bookworm” base, integrating all the latest updates from both Debian and MX repositories. Notably, the release makes strides in accessibility and convenience:

  • Build-Essential Packages: These are now included directly on the ISO for users needing to compile offline drivers.
  • Language Selection in OEM Mode: Enhancing the installation process, users can set their system language before setup begins, a feature particularly polished in the RPI Respin version.
  • Pipewire 1.0: Although not a Debian standard, PipeWire 1.0 (version 1.0.4 in testing) continues to be included.
  • Updated Manuals: The manuals are now split into language-specific packages, making it easier for users to find relevant information in their language.
  • MX Locale Tool: This new tool allows users to streamline their system by removing all manual packages except those in the default system language.
MX Linux 23.3
MX Linux 23.3

Furthermore, MX-23.3 brings several technical enhancements aimed at improving performance and user flexibility:

  • Zstd Compression: Added to the live-remaster tool, this feature is part of the antiX live system, improving file compression efficiency.
  • Systemd on Live System: Users can now use systemd in a basic capacity during live system runs, although minor unmount errors might occur at shutdown.
  • Kernel Updates: All standard MX ISOs, including versions running Xfce, KDE, and Fluxbox, have been updated to the latest 6.1.90 kernel. The Advanced Hardware Support (AHS) variant now operates on the 6.8.9 liquorix kernel, offering enhanced stability and performance.

Lastly, the MX Raspberry Pi Respin has also received updates, aligning it with the latest package versions from MX and RPiOS repositories, ensuring that Raspberry Pi users benefit from the same level of refinement and stability as their PC counterparts.

For a complete list of changes, please refer to the release announcement. You can grab the installation ISO images from the download section on the projectโ€™s website.

If you want to give MX Linux 23.3 a try, the distro offers 32-bit and 64-bit versions, as only the KDE flavor doesnโ€™t have a 32-bit variant.

For current MX-23 users, the transition is smooth and hassle-free, as all new packages and updates are accessible through regular update channels. In other words, thereโ€™s no need for a complete reinstallโ€”just run โ€œapt update & apt upgradeโ€ to upgrade your system to the latest release.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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