Parrot OS 5.1 Brings a Host of Updates and New Docker RepoOnSeptember 29, 2022Updated security tools, IoT performance improvements, and its own Docker repo are some things the new Parrot OS 5.1 comes with.
Install Nginx, MariaDB, and PHP (LEMP) on Debian 11 (Bullseye)OnSeptember 26, 2022This comprehensive step-by-step guide walks you through installing and configuring Nginx, MariaDB, and PHP (LEMP Stack) on Debian 11.
How to Set Up Nginx, MariaDB, and PHP with Docker ComposeOnSeptember 2, 2022UpdatedJune 3, 2023This guide shows you how to set up your LEMP (Nginx, MariaDB, PHP) stack easily and quickly using Docker Compose.
How to Install SQL Server and SQL Server CLI Tools on UbuntuOnFebruary 4, 2022UpdatedApril 24, 2022In this tutorial, we will walk through all the steps on how to install Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server command-line tools on Ubuntu.
How to Install Nextcloud on Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Setup GuideOnJanuary 8, 2022UpdatedOctober 13, 2022Nextcloud is a true self-hosted file share and sync platform. Here I will show you how to install Nextcloud on Ubuntu in a few easy steps.
How to Run MySQL in Docker Container: A Simple, Easy to Follow GuideOnSeptember 29, 2021UpdatedJuly 11, 2022This step-by-step guide explains how to set up a new MySQL server running in Docker container in only a few minutes.
ClamAV 0.104 Antivirus Engine Now Comes with Official Docker ImagesOnSeptember 7, 2021ClamAV 0.104 has been released a few days ago with major changes and new LTS (Long Term Support) program.
EasyWSL Converts Any Linux Docker Image into a WSL DistroOnAugust 24, 2021EasyWSL helps you increase the catalog of Linux distributions installed with WSL, downloading them from Docker Hub.
Docker Logs: What They Are and How to Use Them (with Examples)OnAugust 1, 2021UpdatedJuly 21, 2024In this article, we will show you everything you need to know about Docker logs and how to work with them.
How to Run PostgreSQL with Docker: A Step-by-Step GuideOnJuly 21, 2021UpdatedFebruary 27, 2023This tutorial shows how to quickly run PostgreSQL and the pgAdmin management tool in a Docker container using Docker Compose.