Steam on Linux Finally Hits 1% User Share for First Time in Years

According to the Steam Survey, this is the first time that the tracker has shown above an 1% Linux share since at least September 2018.

Linux has always been a popular operating system for a certain kind of user, but itโ€™s always presented complications if you want to play various games. It might not be an operating system in the mouths of every gamer in the world.

However, the number of monthly active Steam users running Linux has risen to 1%, according to the Steam Hardware Survey.

Steam Hardware Survey Results

The monthly Steam Hardware Survey is one of the best windows we get into, not only how consumers play games but how their hardware is transitioning to keep up with the graphical advances.

Since Valve reported 120 million users in January, Steam has roughly 1.2 million active Linux users.

It is still unknown what drove this increase. Many experts believe this is due to Valve’s upcoming release of the Steam Deck handheld console. The SteamOS 3.0 operating system is running based on Arch Linux distribution and will fully use Proton’s ever-expanding support for Linux gaming.

Some users also assumed that the increase in the Linux share is also connected to the Windows 11 announcement. Microsoft’s upcoming OS won’t be able to run smoothly on older machines, so it is no surprise that some people might move away from it.

Admittedly, 1% is a small portion of the overall user base. Not when you consider that just under 90% of people are running Steam on Windows 10 devices.

But we expect the Linux market share to rise even further once Steam Decks start getting into the hands of gamers later in December this year.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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