openSUSE MicroOS, a well-suited distro for running container workloads, is designed to provide a minimal footprint and improved security while offering efficient management and updates. It follows the immutable approach, utilizing the transactional update model, where system updates are atomic and reversible.
In other words, if an update fails or causes issues, the system can be easily rolled back to the previous working state, ensuring high reliability and minimizing downtime.
openSUSE MicroOS and Fedora Silverblue are the two brightest shining stars in the enterprise segment of the immutable Linux distributions when it comes to container workloads, so any change related to them causes widespread interest in the Linux community.
This time the news is related to openSUSE MicroOS Desktop, the desktop variant of this immutable OS where Flatpaks provide all applications such as browsers, codecs, and so on from Flathub, which is expected to undergo a name change soon.

If you’re asking why, the answer is simple: there are already too many openSUSE products with “Micro” in their names, which can sometimes confuse users.
Specifically, there is openSUSE Leap Micro, openSUSE MicroOS, SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro, and the upcoming SUSE ALP Micro. So, there is an obvious need to distinguish them all; hence the developers have decided to rename the openSUSE MicroOS Desktop edition.
Fedora took the same approach when they had too many variants with distributions branded with “Atomic” in their name, renaming what is now known as Fedora Silverblue from what was then called Fedora Atomic.
openSUSE is known for its strong relationship with the Linux community around the distro, and it listens to its voice in the spirit of the Open Source values. That’s why SUSE’s developers turned to its users on Reddit, asking for their suggestions for the new name.
Next, a second poll, with a few guesses, followed this:

However, we need to stress that this poll is not final but indicative, and based on the responses, none of the names are likely to be approved.
For example, openSUSE Emerald, the suggestion with the most votes, is already used as a codename in the openSUSE 11.2 release. On top of that, there are quite a few other software products with a similar name.
So, we have to wait a little longer to see the final decision on the name change.
However, one thing is sure: no matter what the new name will be, openSUSE MicroOS will continue to be one of the greatest products among the immutable Linux OSes, providing, as always, only the best to users.