EndeavourOS Released a Refreshed Cassini Nova R2 ISO

EndeavourOS Cassini Nova R2 brings Calamares bugfixes, Linux kernel 6.3, and an updated package base. The Galileo release is on the horizon.

EndeavourOS is a Linux distribution based on Arch that has quickly gained a solid following. And for good reason.

Standing slightly out of the spotlight compared to the leading names in the Linux desktop segment, EndeavourOS gives its users one of the most authentic Arch experiences while avoiding typical Arch difficulties such as complicated installation and system setup.

That’s why every new release is met with anticipation by the distribution community, and today they have reason to rejoice as the updated R2 ISO image of the Cassini Nova release, initially launched in March, is now available for download.

EndeavourOS Cassini Nova R2 Highlights

EndeavourOS Cassini Nova R2
EndeavourOS Cassini Nova R2

Right away, it is crucial to note that EndeavourOS Cassini Nova R2 is not a brand new release in the full sense of the word but rather an updated installation ISO image containing some bugfixes and an updated package base.

Powered by the latest Linux kernel 6.3, EndeavourOS Cassini Nova R2 offers two installation modes: online and offline. The offline option installs a fully themed Xfce desktop environment.

At the same time, the online option lets you choose between the impressive seven different desktop environments, such as KDE Plasma, GNOME, Cinnamon, MATE, Budgie, LXQt, and LXDE.

On top of that, users also have the Openbox window manager available as an option, plus the tiling window managers such as i3-WM, BSPWM, Sway, Qtile, and Worm.

EndeavourOS Cassini Nova R2 also includes updates to the X server and the video drivers. For example, the X.Org server has been bumped to 21.1.8, the NVIDIA driver received an update to 530.41.03, and Mesa to v23.1.

On the desktop side, Cassini Nova offers some minor cosmetic changes concerning the different desktop environments. For example, in Cinnamon, the currently used Adwaita icon theme has been replaced by Qogir. Furthermore, instead of the legacy Gedit and gnome-terminal apps, they are now replaced by Console and Text Editor in GNOME.

Weโ€™ll also note that the Budgie desktop has been switched to using the Qogir icon theme and now relies on Nemo for managing files instead of Nautilus. Apart from that, the Firefox web browser received an update to v113.

Weโ€™ll round off the review with the Calamres installer, which has received much attention in the EndeavourOS Cassini Nova release. So, for example, you can create a new EFI partition rather than reusing the existing one when using โ€œReplace partitionโ€ or โ€œInstall alongside.โ€

Moreover, when selecting “Replace a partition,” the installer offers an encryption option.

Calamares Installer
Calamares Installer

You can refer to the announcement for detailed information about all changes. In addition, you can grab your copy from the projectโ€™s download page if you want a fresh installation.

EndeavourOS Galileo Is on the Horizon

However, all eyes are on the upcoming release of EndeavourOS, codenamed Galileo (named after the NASA mission to Jupiter), which is expected to appear soon.

Unfortunately, some ongoing side commitments by the EndeavourOS developers have slightly delayed its release, but the assurance is that it will happen, albeit somewhat late.

However, there is something essential to add here that the developers hint towards. More specifically, the upcoming EndeavourOS Galileo release is being considered to rely on KDE Plasma as the primary desktop environment instead of the currently used Xfce.

This would undoubtedly be a significant change for both distribution and users. However, we will soon find out whether it will happen or remain just an idea.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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