EndeavourOS Bids Farewell to ARM Branch

After a vibrant 4-year journey enhancing ARM device support, EndeavourOS ARM concludes, thanking its lead devs.

I’ll always find it a bit tough to share news like this; it leaves a kind of sour feeling. But that’s how things are in the open-source world – developers move on. That’s what’s happening with the ARM branch of EndeavourOS, the beloved Arch-derivative to so many.

The Curtain Falls on EndeavourOS ARM

In a heartfelt announcement today, Bryan Poerwo, founder and project leader of EndeavourOS, marked the end of its ARM product branch. This project has been part of the EndeavourOS journey since its inception from the remnants of Antergos in 2019.

The initiative, which began with the help of a passionate community member known as Pudge, later a leading figure of the EndeavourOS ARM team, aimed to extend the reach of EndeavourOS to ARM devices such as the ODROID N2, ODROID XU4, and Raspberry Pi 4.

Over nearly five years, EndeavourOS ARM flourished, witnessing additions like support for the PineBook Pro and Raspberry Pi 5 and implementing a Calamares install option alongside the original scripts.

However, the journey was challenging. The rapid advancement of Linux and desktop environments on x86_64 devices contrasted sharply with the slower pace of development in the ARM landscape, presenting a series of obstacles that tested the resolve of the projectโ€™s pioneers.

The widening gap between ARM and x86_64 architectures, reduced external support, and personal transitions in hardware preferences led to a heartfelt decision to conclude the EndeavourOS ARM project.

But not all is lost. As the project ends, the community remains hopeful, inviting anyone willing to carry the torch forward. The projectโ€™s GitHub repository continues to be available, serving as a foundation for future endeavors in the ARM Linux space.

As we wrap things up, weโ€™re feeling a bit worried about what lies ahead for this beloved Linux distro.ย As we informed you last December, EndeavourOS had to remove a few of its features because some developers moved on. And now the ARM version has followed that fate for similar reasons.

So, we’re crossing our fingers, hoping the tough times will soon be left behind for EndeavourOS. Here’s to looking forward to our next adventure among the stars with a fresh new release of this top-notch Arch derivative.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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