Reddit’s Linux Group Hits 1 Million MembersOnJanuary 10, 2024Reddit's Linux community reaches 1M members, a significant marker of Linux's impact and the passionate community behind it.
After 30 Years, Linux Finally Hits 3% Market ShareOnJuly 9, 2023Linux enthusiasts rejoice! After a long journey, according to StatCounter's data, by June 2023, Linux has achieved a 3% desktop market share.
Best Approaches to Choosing Your First Linux Distro (Beginner’s Guide)OnJune 14, 2022UpdatedOctober 21, 2022Are you a newcomer to Linux? Not sure which Linux distribution to choose to begin your Linux journey? This article is for you!
Linux Terms Explained: Originals, Derivatives, and FlavorsOnDecember 28, 2021UpdatedDecember 18, 2022This article explains in plain language what the terms derivative, fork, flavor, and spin mean in the context of Linux distribution.
Linux Kernel 5.15 Released, Here Are the Top 3 New FeaturesOnNovember 1, 2021During the night from Sunday to Monday, Linus Torvalds announced the Linux Kernel 5.15 release on the Linux Kernel Mailing List.
10 Interesting and Fun Facts About LinuxOnNovember 1, 2021UpdatedJune 1, 2022Check out these surprising, interesting facts about Linux and its extensive use today.
What Is Linux? A Guide for Non-technical UsersOnOctober 12, 2021UpdatedApril 12, 2022What is the Linux Operating System? What is it used for? Learn the answers in this easy-to-understand introductory guide.
What Linux Version Am I Running? Here’s How to Find OutOnSeptember 13, 2021UpdatedApril 12, 2022Here's how to find out what Linux kernel version and distribution your system is running.
Rolling Release Linux Distros Unveiled: What You Need to KnowOnJuly 3, 2020UpdatedDecember 17, 2023Explore the perks of the Linux distros following the rolling release model - a world of constant updates and cutting-edge features.