How to Install Visual Studio Code on Arch Linux
Learn how to install Visual Studio Code on Arch Linux step-by-step to enjoy seamless coding with the most popular code editor.
Learn how to install Visual Studio Code on Arch Linux step-by-step to enjoy seamless coding with the most popular code editor.
Notepad Next 0.10, a cross-platform reimplementation of Notepad++, introduces enhanced bookmark operations, auto-closing HTML tags, Nix language support, and more.
Sublime Text 4 Build 4186 delivers refined syntax highlighting, faster theming, improved file detection, stable Git scans, and enhanced cache compression.
Pulsar 1.122 cross-platform code editor brings C and PHP enhancements, launcher fixes, opt-in SQL state storage, and more.
Pulsar 1.121, an open-source and cross-platform code editor, enhances CLI, adds Linux and macOS commands, and updates language support.
Pulsar 1.120, an open-source and cross-platform code editor, now has better icons, improved JavaScript indentation, and updated 'ppm' functionalities.
The popular source code editor Sublime Text 4's latest build rolls out new tools for developers, fixes, and improved features for Mac, Windows, and Linux users.
Zed open-source code editor built in Rust with a GPU-accelerated renderer has been officially launched for Linux.
Installing VS Code on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS made easy. Follow our step-by-step guide for seamless installation and start programming in no time!
NotepadNext 0.7 cross-platform code editor introduces a QuickFind wrap indicator, persistent bookmarks, Python enhancements, and more.