Linux Mint Push Users To Update, May Enforce Some

Linux Mint will start pushing updates in the same popular way that Microsoft does with Windows 10.

Linux users are more knowledgeable regarding computer maintenance than Windows users, right? But Linux Mint users are often very behind in installing both operating system and application updates.

In other words, Linux Mint users are often running outdated software, which could be no longer supported. Even worse, it could contain exploitable vulnerabilities.

It turned out that users of that operating system were extremely irresponsible regarding updates.

Last week the Linux Mint project shared the troubling news how many of its users are behind on important security updates or in some cases even running end-of-life versions.

A new blog post provides information on how the team plans to reduce the update reluctance of Linux Mint users.

Clement Lefebvre, Linux Mint head developer, explains the forced-upgrade plans.

In some cases the Update Manager will be able to remind you to apply updates. In a few of them it might even insist.

Upcoming versions will provide information on the implementation, howย the “insisting” part may look like, and whether the installation of updates will be enforced.ย 

Did you catch that? So, yes, Linux Mint may soon be insisting, or forcing, its users install software they may not want. And now, it seems the Linux Mint developers are taking a page out of Microsoft’s playbook by planning to force some updates on its users.

All of this boils down to a single question: how far should operating system developers go when it comes to updates?

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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