EndeavourOS Nova Released Primarily Addresses GRUB IssueOnSeptember 14, 2022EndeavourOS Nova, the new release in the Artemis series, focused primarily on resolving the GRUB issue that affected Arch Linux-based distros.
EndeavourOS “Artemis Neo” Landed but Brought No ChangesOnAugust 9, 2022The Arch Linux-based EndeavourOS has released an update to its existing "Artemis" version, "Artemis Neo." Here's what's new!
EndeavourOS “Artemis” Paves the Way to the ARM Version of the DistroOnJune 25, 2022EndeavourOS, one of the most popular Arch Linux derivatives, has released a new version called "Artemis." Here's what's new!
EndeavourOS Apollo Comes with a Brand-New Window ManagerOnApril 8, 2022EndeavourOS Apollo brings massive improvements to the Calamares installer and introduces a new X11-based window manager.
3 Best Arch-based Linux Distributions for Everyday Desktop UsageOnDecember 20, 2021UpdatedApril 10, 2022Here I’ve created a list of the three best Arch-based user-friendly Linux distributions that you should try out.
EndeavourOS Atlantis Neo Arrived as a Christmas PresentOnDecember 18, 2021Let's take a look together what's new in this awesome Arch-based distro.
EndeavourOS 2021.08 is Here with a New ISO ReleaseOnAugust 28, 2021EndeavourOS 2021.08 brings massive improvements to the Calamares installer, introduces a new app called eos-apps-info.
EndeavourOS 2021.04 Offers Two New Community EditionsOnApril 18, 2021EndeavourOS 2021.04 release introduces BSPWM and Sway tiling window managers as a community edition.
EndeavourOS Is A User-Friendly Arch-Based Linux DistributionOnSeptember 21, 2020EndeavourOS is a user-friendly Arch-based rolling release Linux distro that fits into a similar-but-different niche as Manjaro.