Proton Mail Desktop App Now Available for Linux

New Proton Mail desktop app brings distraction-free, secure email to Windows, macOS, and Linux (beta). Free trial available.

Nearly a decade since its first arrival in May 2014, Proton Mail has excitingly introduced its very own desktop client, available to Windows, macOS, and Linux users! But hold on – letโ€™s quickly explain what Proton Mail is for anyone who might not be familiar with it.

It is a secure email service based in Switzerland that focuses on privacy and data protection and shields users from the prying eyes of advertisers, hackers, and unwanted third parties.

Designed by scientists who met at CERN, it uses end-to-end encryption to ensure that emails are only readable by the sender and the recipient. This makes it virtually impossible for anyone else, including Proton Mail itself, to access the content of the messages.

In light of this, the new Proton Mail desktop app aims to redefine the email experience by eliminating common privacy concerns associated with traditional email clients and web browsers.

For example, using Outlook might inadvertently share user data with Microsoftโ€™s extensive network of partners, while accessing emails through a browser could expose users to advertisers or malicious threats.

Proton Mailโ€™s desktop app addresses these issues head-on, offering a distraction-free, privacy-first email platform.

Proton Mail Desktop App: Key Features and Innovations

Proton Mail Desktop App
Proton Mail Desktop App on Linux, Image credits: Proton Mail

The desktop apps come loaded with features designed to enhance user experience and maintain the high-security standards Proton Mail is known for. They include:

  • Zero-access and end-to-end encryption: Ensuring your emails remain private and secure.
  • Protection against trackers and phishing: Keeping your digital life safe from online threats.
  • Sync with desktop themes: The app adjusts to your preference, whether you prefer light or dark mode.
  • Native notifications and quick switching: Stay on top of your emails and calendar without missing a beat.
  • Proton Sentinel: An advanced security program protecting your account beyond the inbox.

Furthermore, the app is not only optimized for privacy but also for usability. It seamlessly integrates with your deviceโ€™s operating system to provide native notifications, automatic theme syncing, and swift toggling between mail and calendar views. Current Proton Mail web app users will find the desktop version comfortably familiar, ensuring a smooth transition.

Switching to Proton Mail has never been easier, thanks to the Easy Switch tool accessible within the app. This feature facilitates the migration of messages from services like Outlook or Gmail, ensuring a hassle-free transition to a more secure email platform.

The Proton Mail desktop app is now available for download for Windows, macOS, and Linux users, with a 14-day free trial for those on the free Proton plan. In other words, it is not free.

For Linux enthusiasts, it’s worth noting that the application is currently in its beta phase, with plans to launch the final stable version soon. Interested users can download it from this link, where both DEB (compatible with Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) and RPM (suitable for Fedora, RHEL, Alma, Rocky, etc.) installation packages are readily available.

Refer to the official announcement for detailed information about the new Proton Mail desktop app.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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