While openSUSE is known for their friendliness towards the KDE desktop, this week’s openSUSE Tumbleweed updates have made GNOME 41 available on this rolling-release distribution.
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GNOME 41 is the latest iteration of the popular desktop but has yet to reach the majority of Linux distributions. Fortunately, those anxious to give the desktop a try need to look no further than openSUSE Tumbleweed, that includes the latest and greatest software updates.
The GNOME 41 provides significant improvements for developers, a new developer documentation website, new features in the Builder IDE and GTK4 enhancements. The software center also has a new look and makes it easier to browse and discover apps.

In addition to the latest GNOME 41, openSUSE Tumbleweed received many other updates this week. The 3D graphics package Mesa has been also updated to version 21.2.3, fixing a significant performance drop on the Radeon HD 8400 graphics card.
Mozilla Thunderbird 91.1.2 now warns if an S/MIME encrypted message includes BCC recipients. PipeWire 0.3.38 made various bluetooth compatibility improvements and the audio/video package for Linux now has better description service files for systemd. The Btrfs file system, that offers unique features like advanced integrated device management, scalability and reliability, was updated to version 5.14.1.
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Tumbleweed is also enjoying the latest Linux 5.14.6 kernel, Firefox 92.0.1 web browser, PipeWare 0.3.38, the newest EXIM 4.95, and many other updates.
The openSUSE project is a well-maintained rolling release distribution. It provides you the latest packages after a certain degree of QA testing so that you don’t get surprises. With openSUSE, you get a stable Linux aka openSUSE Leap, and a tested rolling version of openSUSE Tumbleweed.
Related: openSUSE Leap vs Tumbleweed, Difference Between Them Explained
More information on the arrival of GNOME 41 to openSUSE Tumbleweed and the other latest rolling-release updates can be found over on openSUSE.org.