LibreELEC 10 BETA 1 Released, Bringing Kodi 19 To LibreELEC Users

LibreELEC 10 BETA 1 bringing v19 Matrix on the popular home theater software, Kodi, for testing purposes to LibreELEC x86_64 PCs users.

Above all, do not upgrade! The 10.0 release is a disruptive and limited hardware release. At the moment the LibreELEC developers are not releasing images for all hardware. LibreELEC 10.0 BETA1 is a stable beta only for:

  • Generic (x86_64 PCs)
  • Allwinner and Rockchip

This release is “Alpha” for Raspberry Pi 4 as the code is still very new. Raspberry Pi 2/3 are still in development targetting an LibreELEC 10.2 release. In addition, Raspberry Pi 0/1 are discontinued.

All others hardware is still in development and not in a state for formal releases.

LibreELEC 10 BETA 1, Do Not Upgrade

LibreELEC team recommend you clean install not upgrade an existing installation. Of course this does not apply in case when you are upgrading from a recent nightly image, i.e. you are already using Kodi 19. So unless you are already running an image with Kodi 19 inside, a clean install is preferred.

The main reasons for this advice are:

Python3 changes in Kodi v19 mean 99.99% of add-ons stop working. Most official Kodi add-ons now have Matrix compatible versions in the Kodi repo, but the transtion to them is not always smooth. Incompatible Python2 add-ons are disabled automatically on upgrade and users need to find/update add-ons to Python3 versions before re-enabling them.

Raspberry Pi users are a combined 80% of LibreELEC’s active installed base. Kernel changes for Raspberry Pi4 users combined with no release for Raspberry Pi2/3 users and discontinued support for Raspberry Pi 0/1 users means significant changes in the user experience. Generic and Allwinner/Rockchip are less impacted.

For more information you can read the LibreELEC’s upcoming changes blog post.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.