Hyprland Marks Two-Year Anniversary with a New Release

Hyprland 0.37.0 window tiling manager is a significant update, bringing new cursormgr fallbacks, animations, custom notification fonts, and more.

Hyprland 0.37.0 is a massive update that celebrates two years of the project’s growth and development. For those unfamiliar, it is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that aims to provide a flexible, extensible, and lightweight environment for Linux desktops.

Designed with customization and performance in mind, Hyprland caters to users who desire to tailor their computing environment precisely to their needs and preferences.

Due to the software’s significant rise in popularity, its lead developer recently announced plans to change the licensing policy. For those who haven’t caught up with this news, you can delve into the details here.

What’s New in Hyprland 0.37.0 Tiling Window Manager

The release of Hyprland 0.37.0, affectionately referred to as a โ€œchonker update,โ€ brings many enhancements, new features, and fixes to the table. Key highlights include the addition of a new dependency called โ€˜hyprcursor,โ€™ which aims to enhance cursor management and aesthetics across various applications.

Among the noteworthy new features is the โ€˜input:scroll_factorโ€˜ configuration, which allows users to customize scroll behavior. This level of customization extends to the โ€˜cursormgr,โ€™ with added fallbacks for unknown cursors, ensuring a seamless user experience even with custom cursor themes.

Moreover, v0.37.0 also enhances HyprPM, Hyprland’s plugin manager, with the ability to specify exact git revisions for plugin repositories, enhancing users’ flexibility and control over their plugin configurations.

Improvements in window management are evident with the addition of ‘general:resize_corner‘ for manual resizing of windows, and the implementation of additional checks to fix window move stutter on low-hertz monitors.

Additionally, the ‘keybinds‘ feature now includes a ‘catchall‘ keyword for matching all keys, and fully featured animations for window layers have been added, bringing a more dynamic and visually appealing interface to Hyprland.

On the technical side, Hyprland 0.37.0 addresses various issues, from fixing crashes and memory leaks to improving compilation support across different architectures and systems. Notable fixes include:

  • Adjustments to the crash reporter for compatibility with musl libc.
  • Various corrections to animation behaviors.
  • Enhancements to the build process to accommodate different compiler configurations.

Lastly, Hyprland 0.37.0 introduces several under-the-hood refinements to boost performance, increase stability, and enrich the user experience.

These include improvements to the configuration management system, more robust handling of IPC events, and significant advancements in handling subsurfaces and popups, which are critical for complex application interfaces.

You can refer to the changelog for more information about all changes in the new version.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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