VirtualBox 7.1 on Fedora 41/40/39: A Full Installation Guide

Learn how to install VirtualBox on Fedora 41/40/39 with our comprehensive guide. Follow the steps for a smooth installation experience!

VirtualBox 7 is a popular virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple operating systems on a single physical host. This guide will show you how to install it on Fedora 41, a Red Hat-supported Linux distro known for its cutting-edge software, user-friendliness, and great support.

Simply follow the steps outlined below, which we tested and proven to work, and you’ll be up and running in no time with a system ready to meet all your virtualization needs.

Disclaimer: While this guide focuses on installing VirtualBox on Fedora 41, it’s equally applicable to earlier versions, such as 40, 39, etc.

Step 1: Install VirtualBox Dependencies

First, you need to install some dependencies. These are specific software packages that are required for VirtualBox to run properly.

Using the DNF package manager, we will install the “development-tools” meta package and several kernel-related packages required for VirtualBox to function.

Open the terminal and run the following two commands:

sudo dnf install @development-tools
sudo dnf install kernel-headers kernel-devel dkmsCode language: Bash (bash)

Step 2: Add VirtualBox Repository to Fedora

Next, we will add the official VirtualBox repository to our Fedora 41 system. This implies that the update package will be made available with the rest of your system’s regular updates if a new version is released.

Using your preferred terminal text editor, create the “/etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo” file:

sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repoCode language: Bash (bash)

Then, put the content provided below in it, save it, and exit the file.

name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch - VirtualBox
gpgkey= language: Bash (bash)
Add VirtualBox repository to Fedora 41.
Add VirtualBox repository to Fedora 41.

Next, refresh the package list. When prompted, type “y” to agree to import the GPG key signing packages from Oracle’s official VirtualBox repository.

sudo dnf updateCode language: Bash (bash)
Refresh the package base.
Refresh the package base.

You can safely ignore the error shown above. It’s not something you can fix on your side since it’s tied to the repository itself (come on, Oracle, do something), but don’t worry—it doesn’t affect the installation of VirtualBox at all.

Step 3: Install VirtualBox on Fedora 41

Finally, we are all set for the actual installation. Now, to install VirtualBox on your Fedora 41 system, run the following commands:

sudo dnf install VirtualBox-7.1Code language: CSS (css)
Install VirtualBox on Fedora 41.
Install VirtualBox on Fedora 41.

During installation, you will be prompted to import the GPG key again. Type “y” and press “Enter.” Next, you’ll be asked if you accept importing VirtualBox’s signing key. Just type “y” again.

Accept VirtualBox's repo signing key
Accept VirtualBox’s repo signing key

Wait for the installation to complete. Now that VirtualBox is installed and ready to roll on your Fedora 41 system, there’s one more step before we seize its opportunities.

Step 4: Install VirtualBox Extension Pack

This is an optional step, but I strongly encourage it because it will make working with VirtualBox on your Fedora system easier and more convenient. VirtualBox Extension Pack unlocks many great features, such as:

  • USB 2 and USB 3 support
  • VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol (VRDP)
  • Host webcam passthrough
  • Disk image encryption with AES algorithm
  • Intel PXE boot ROM

Here’s an interesting point: Although not obligatory, it’s strongly advised that you ensure the version of the VirtualBox Extension Pack you install matches the version of VirtualBox on your Fedora 41 system.

To verify the exact version of the installed locally VirtualBox, you can use vboxmanage, a build-in VirtualBox’s command:

vboxmanage -v | cut -dr -f1
Check the installed VirtualBox version.
Check the installed VirtualBox version.

As you can see, Virtualbox’s installed version is “7.1.4.” So, we’ll use the below wget command to download VirtualBox’s Extension Pack with the same version.

If your installation is different, replace both places containing “7.1.4” in the command below with the current version. You can also go straight to the downloads page and look at the available versions.

wget language: Bash (bash)

Next, to install the VirtualBox Extension pack, run the vboxmanage command as follows:

sudo vboxmanage extpack install Oracle_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-7.1.4.vbox-extpackCode language: Bash (bash)

You will be prompted to agree to Oracle’s license terms and conditions. To confirm, type “y” and press “Enter.”

Install VirtualBox Extension Pack.
Install VirtualBox Extension Pack.
Install VirtualBox Extension Pack.
Install VirtualBox Extension Pack.

Additionally, you can verify installed VirtualBox’s extension pack version by running the following:

vboxmanage list extpacksCode language: PHP (php)
Verify the installed VirtualBox Extension Pack version.
Verify the installed VirtualBox Extension Pack version.

Step 5: Add User to vboxusers Group

Before using VirtualBox, add your user account to the “vboxusers” group. This is quick and simple to accomplish by running:

sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $USERCode language: Bash (bash)

Now, perform a reboot. After login, check that you are in the “vboxusers” group with this command:

groups $USERCode language: Bash (bash)
Check the user's groups.
Check the user’s groups.

Step 6: Running VirtualBox on Fedora 41

Launching it from the desktop environment’s application menu, you can now start using VirtualBox. Type “virtualbox” and click on the icon when it appears.

Running VirtualBox on Fedora 41.
Running VirtualBox on Fedora 41.
VirtualBox 7.1 is running on Fedora 41.
VirtualBox 7.1 is running on Fedora 41.

To start creating a new virtual machine, use the “New” button.

How to Uninstall VirtualBox

If you want to uninstall VirtualBox from your Fedora system for some reason, you can easily do so by running the command below.

sudo dnf remove VirtualBox-7.1Code language: Bash (bash)
Uninstall VirtualBox.
Uninstall VirtualBox.

Then you have two choices: disable the VirtualBox repository on your Fedora system:

sudo dnf config-manager setopt virtualbox.enabled=0Code language: Bash (bash)

Or completely remove it by deleting the repo’s file:

sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repoCode language: Bash (bash)


Installing VirtualBox 7.1 on Fedora 41 can give users a powerful and versatile virtualization solution for running multiple operating systems on a single machine.

With Fedora 41 as the host operating system, you can now take advantage of its stability, security, and cutting-edge software, making it a reliable platform for virtualization.

However, VirtualBox isn’t the only player in the virtualization game—VMware Workstation is another excellent and reliable option. If you’re thinking about giving it a try, we’ve got you covered with a step-by-step guide on setting it up on Fedora.

Thanks for using this tutorial! Any feedback is welcomed in the section below.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.