Gcolor3 is a color selection dialog written in GTK3. It is much alike Gcolor2, but uses the newer GTK version to integrate better in your modern desktop. It has the same feature set as Gcolor2 and even uses the same file to save colors for compatibility reasons.
Gcolor3 enables you to pick the color from any pixel on your screen. It also offers a palette, so that you can easily mix and match a couple of colors together.
When you have found the perfect combination of colors, naturally you want to save them. Gcolor3 allows you to conveniently save and retrieve colors.

By releasing version 2.4.0, Gcolor3 now is “Color Picker” with a new maintainer, a new icon, lots of new improvements, and many translation updates.
Today, I handed over the maintainership of Gcolor3 to Christopher Davis. Gcolor3 was my first project and still a project I’m proud of, but it is time for me to move on. It’s not easy to give over the maintainership, but it’s the best thing to do for both the project and myself: users shouldn’t have to wait days or weeks for me to respond, and I shouldn’t have to feel guilty and pressured whenever I get a notification.
said Jente Hidskes, who has been the maintainer of the app so far.
Gcolor3 Installation
There are three ways to install Gcolor3: you can either compile it from source, use a package created for your Linux distribution, or use the Flatpak.
Gcolor3 is packaged for some Linux distributions:
- Arch Linux: Gcolor3 is packaged in community repo. There is an AUR package for the git version.
- Fedora: There is a copr repository to install Gcolor3. Please see the instructions there.
- openSUSE: There is an openSUSE package available.
- Ubuntu: There is a PPA available.