EndeavourOS is is a very user-friendly Arch Linux-based distribution with some handy new features that improve the user experience. It fits into a similar-but-different niche as Manjaro. EandeavourOS, being based on Arch is a rolling release.
Most readers may probably remember the Antergos Linux distribution which was discontinued in 2019. After it was discontinued, a group of the older community merged efforts to create a new continuation of that distribution, named EndeavourOS.
EndeavourOS 2021.08 release is here and the team brings a handful of new features and updates. Let’s take a look at what’s new.

EndeavourOS 2021.08 New Features
EndeavourOS 2021.08 arrives four months after the previous ISO. Now the default desktop environment is Xfce.
The changes in the Calamares installer are the most significant ones made on this release. They are complete overhaul changes under the hood of Calamares with a significant speed increase in installation as the most stellar improvement.
When using auto partitioning in the installer, BTRFS now can be chosen with the possibility to create a file system with a subvolume scheme. Of course, EXT4 will still be an option to choose from in the auto partition.
Now, the wifi setting used in the live environment will be automatically installed during installation, so there’s no need to re-enter your password on a new install. In addition, Calamares has an improved and better design that makes it easier for the user to deselect the packages they don’t need in the selected DE.

EndeavourOS 2021.08 also introduces a new app called eos-apps-info. It lists all EndeavourOS apps and provides manuals of each app with a clear instruction that includes pictures as well. Overall it is a very nice tool.
Keep in mind, that eos-apps-info isn’t installed by default. You can install it by using pacman:
sudo pacman -S eos-apps-info

Among the rest of the news, EndeavourOS 2021.08 brings:
- Kernel 5.13
- Firefox 91
- Mesa 21.2
- nvidia-dkms 470.63
- New community wallpapers
If you want a fresh EndeavourOS install, you can get your copy from the project’s download page and create a bootable USB flash drive. If you are already running EndeavourOS, there is no need to reinstall. Just open the “Update in Terminal” app from the menu. You would get all the latest packages and updates.