Canonical has revealed what the codename is going to be for the next LTS version of Ubuntu i.e, 22.04. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS release date has also been revealed and it is set on April 21st, 2022.
If you were paying attention, the Ubuntu releases are always on a Thursday, scheduled to not be the last Thursday of the month (3rd usually) as it provides a week to push the schedule back if necessary and keep it in the month. Now try to guess what day of the week falls on April 21st 2022? That’s right – it’s Thursday.
After the letter “I” in the alphabet series, comes “J”. Therefore, Canonical’s next big LTS version codename should have the letter “J” in its codename.
As you know, each codename of Ubuntu releases so far have and will contain an adjective and an animal. The animal may be real or anything that suits alliteratively. So, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is codenamed as “Jammy Jellyfish”. It’s been revealed on launchpad.
Related: Ubuntu: The Distro That Has Become Synonymous to Linux
What Does “Jammy Jellyfish” Mean?
According to Collins Dictionary, if you describe someone as “jammy“, you mean that they are very lucky because something good has happened to them. So far so good.
But what about the jellyfish? Jellyfish have drifted along on ocean currents for millions of years, even before dinosaurs lived on the Earth. Jellyfish have tiny stinging cells in their tentacles to stun or paralyze their prey before they eat them, and can be painful to humans and sometimes very dangerous.

So Canonical has definitely come up with a very brave and threatening codename. What can we say? Only one thing – definitely it’s a little bit creepy.
What Features to Expect in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?
Ubuntu 22.04 is a long term support (LTS) release and it will be supported for five years for regular users and for ten years if you opt for the paid extended support maintenance.
Since it’s an LTS release, stability is of the upmost importance. Probably, the Canonical team won’t try any radical changes here. There will be improvements, of course, but the focus is on creating a true foundation on which other people, companies and services can stand.
The development starts this month. New features, packages, and APIs will be included until February 24th, 2022.
Probably Ubuntu 22.04 LTS will ships with GNOME 42, which is planned for release in March 23rd, 2022. Also there are PHP 8.1, OpenSSL 3, and Mesa 22.0. In addition, the Firefox web browser will only be available as a Snap app.
It’s important to note that the Ubuntu team has being discussed switch to PipeWire though not decided.