Wine 9.17 Debuts with Enhanced High DPI Support

Check out Wine 9.17: Better High DPI scaling, updated Mono engine, and more ARM64 support.

Less than two weeks after its previousย 9.16 release, the Wine Project, renowned for enabling Linux and macOS users to run Windows applications, announced the release of the brand-new Wine 9.17.

One of the standout features in this release is the introduction of window surface scaling for High DPI displays. This enhancement means that users with high-resolution screens can expect crisper, more defined visuals without the blur that sometimes accompanies scaling on such displays.

Wine 9. 17 also brings several technical upgrades that enhance performance and compatibility. The bundled vkd3d, responsible for translating Direct3D 12 graphics into Vulkan, has been upgraded to version 1.13.

Additionally, the Mono engine, a critical component for running .NET applications, has been updated to version 9.3.0.

Moreover, the new version also features improved CPU detection on ARM64 platforms. This allows Wine to optimize its performance for these devices better, ensuring a smoother user experience.

In addition to new features and improvements, the Wine team addressed 29 bugs identified in previous versions, thus enhancing the softwareโ€™s overall stability and usability.

For more information, visit the announcement. Wine 9.17โ€™s source code can be downloaded fromย GitLabโ€™s project pageย for those interested in trying out or upgrading their current installation. The binary packages for various distributions are expected to be available shortly.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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