Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS Released And Available To Download Now

Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS released for Desktop, Server, and Cloud products, as wellas other flavours of Ubuntu with long-term support.

The Ubuntu team announced the release of Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (Long-Term Support) for its Desktop, Server, and Cloud products, as well as other flavours of Ubuntu with long-term support.

Like with all the first releases of Ubuntu, the first point release to iron out the issues and bugs which missed during the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS release. That makes the first point release very important.

Because the first point release makes it more stable in terms of the Ubuntu operating system. If you are a server admin, or, a general user, you can safely upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04.1.

 Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS is out with the latest bug and security fixes for the “Focal Fossa” release.

  • Installer fixes
  • Upgrade fixes
  • Snap app update fixes
  • Performance tweaks
  • New fingerprint login flow
  • OEM kernel support
  • Wireguard support

Refer to the full changes summary for detail on these changes and more.

The arrival of this point release offers the opportunity to upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS directly. Users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will soon be offered an automatic upgrade to 20.04.1 LTS via Update Manager. If you intend to take advantage of this option then remember to backup of any important files before you begin and make sure your network connection is stable.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is supported until April 2025, being a long term release and expected to get six point releases like this in its life span.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.