RawTherapee 5.10 Introduces Multi-Editor Support

RawTherapee 5.10, a raw image processing program, adds custom editors, enjoys BigTIFF format, and improves camera support for top brands.

In digital photography, software tools that help photographers process their images are invaluable. RawTherapee stands out as a powerful, free, open-source application designed for raw photo processing.

At its core, it is dedicated to the non-destructive editing of raw files, providing users with a wide range of adjustments and corrections to improve image quality.

The software is known for its advanced color handling, detailed sharpening, noise reduction capabilities, and support for various camera models and raw formats.

More than a year after the previous 5.9 version, RawTherapee 5.10 is here, introducing many new features and improvements that cater to amateur and professional photographers alike, making it an even more compelling choice for photographers seeking to enhance their workflow.

What’s New in RawTherapee 5.10

CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux upgrade path.
RawTherapee 5.10 raw image processing program.

One of the standout features of this update is the ability to add multiple custom external editors, allowing users to integrate RawTherapee seamlessly into their existing editing workflow. This flexibility means photographers can directly choose their preferred external editor from the Editor tab, streamlining the editing process.

The introduction of a configurable Favorites tab is another welcome addition. Users can now customize their workflow by selecting their most-used tools to appear in a dedicated Favorites tab, with the option to display these tools in their original location for easy access.

Metadata handling has received a significant upgrade in RawTherapee 5.10 with the switch to Exiv2, including support for CR3 metadata, ensuring comprehensive metadata management across a broader range of camera models.

Additionally, the new BigTIFF format option, when saving images in the TIFF file format, caters to professionals dealing with large image files, offering more flexibility in managing high-resolution photos.

Moreover, the interoperability between Windows and Linux systems has been improved, particularly regarding the DCP and LCP file paths saved to processing profiles, facilitating a smoother experience for users across different operating systems.

Other notable enhancements include improved support for ICC profiles, a more user-friendly language selection in Preferences, adjustable size for color pickers in the Film Negative tool, and the introduction of Dynamic Profile Rules with a File path filter.

The image context menu has also been expanded, offering new sorting options to organize images more efficiently.

Lastly, camera support has been significantly expanded with this update, with added or improved support for a wide range of models from major brands such as Canon, Fujifilm, Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, and Sony.

Refer to the release announcement for detailed information about all changes in RawTherapee 5.10.


The easiest way of installing the RawTherapee raw image processing program on Linux is by using AppImage. Go to RawTherapeeโ€™s website and click the โ€œAppImage LINUXโ€ button to download the file.

Then, go to the directory where you downloaded it and give it an executable status. For example:

chmod +x RawTherapee_5.10.AppImageCode language: CSS (css)

Finally, double-click on the AppImage file, and RawTherapee will start.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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