Osysinfo: A Basic CLI Tool to See Your System Details on Linux

There are plenty of commands to check information about the hardware of a Linux system. Meet one of them.

There are many tools to find information about your Linux system, but many of them go very deep into detail and you need to search for specific information from all of that. You also often need multiple entirely different commands for these different software that you need to remember.

Osysinfo allows you to easily filter what information you want to see through flags and options within those flags. Want to see everything it provides? No problem. Want to see only basic CPU information? It’s there. Want to see only your Kernel version? Osysinfo has got you covered.

As mentioned, it does not go extremely deep into detail and with this initial release it does not show certain information. Some notable omissions are as follows:

  • Disk information (likely coming soon)
  • GPU Information (coming eventually)
  • Motherboard information
  • USB information
  • PCI information

How to use osysinfo

The format of the command is as follows:

osysinfo -flag <option>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Here’s a list of flags:

  • -f: Return information about everything
  • -sy: Return general information about the system
    • Options: st: System type, d: Distribution, h: Hostname, kv: Kernel version, kd: Kernel date, pr: Processor, pl: Platform, u: Uptime
  • -c: Return information about the CPU
    • Options: c: Cores, max: Max. frequency, min: Min. frequency, cf: Current frequency
  • -m: Return information about the memory
    • Options: t: Total, a: Available, u: Used, p: Percentage
  • -sw: Return information about the swap space
    • Options: t: Total, f: Free, u: Used, p: Percentage
  • -n: Return information about the network
    • Options: ip: IP address, n: Netmask, bip: Broadcast IP, ma: MAC address, mn: MAC netmask, bm: Broadcast MAC

For example, to get CPU information, use the following command:

osysinfo -c
------- CPU
Cores: 6 cores (12 threads)
Max. frequency: 3600.00Mhz
Min. frequency: 2200.00Mhz
Current frequency: 2477.47MhzCode language: CSS (css)

To find out only the current processor frequency:

osysinfo -c cf
------- CPU
Current frequency: 2601.31MhzCode language: CSS (css)


There is an AUR package available for the Arch Linux users:

yay -S osysinfo


wget -O osysinfo.tar.gz https://github.com/ottop/osysinfo/archive/refs/tags/1.0.tar.gz
tar xzf osysinfo.tar.gz && cd osysinfo-1.0
sudo cp osysinfo /usr/bin/osysinfo
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/osysinfoCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

For detailed information you can refer to the project’s page.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.