The Open Enterprise Linux Association (OpenELA) was founded less than three months ago by CIQ (a sponsor of Rocky Linux), Oracle, and SUSE in response to Red Hat’s move to limit access to the source code of its operating system.
Its primary mission is to provide and make freely available the source code for all downstream RHEL-based distributions, with an initial focus on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and 9, with RHEL 7 also expected to be included. And the first fruits of these efforts are visible now.
In a significant move for the Enterprise Linux community, OpenELA has announced the public availability of a comprehensive collection of Enterprise Linux source code, promising to enhance collaboration and foster innovation within the open-source distributions compatible with RHEL.
The repositories, crucial for building derivative Enterprise Linux operating systems, focus on EL8 and EL9, with the promise of packages for EL7 on the horizon.
OpenELA is excited to announce that the source code for all packages necessary for anyone to build a derivative Enterprise Linux operating system is now available. The initial focus is on EL8 and EL9, and packages for EL7 are forthcoming.

On top of that, establishing the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) marks another important step in achieving OpenELA’s goals.
Comprised of leading experts from the founding companies, the TSC will guide the technical direction of the project, ensuring that the code base remains secure, well-maintained, and reflective of the community’s needs.
Thus, whereas a few months ago, the Linux community expressed concern about how distributions such as Rocky, Alma, and Oracle would manage to achieve full RHEL compatibility in the future, today, the picture is looking more and more promising.
And not just for them but for any distribution that bets on the Enterprise Linux model. So, well done, OpenELA!
Lastly, the association invites new members who share their goal and values of providing free, secure, and reliable Enterprise Linux solutions. In other words, organizations joining OpenELA will additionally contribute to paving the way to a balanced and community-driven EL ecosystem.
This collaborative endeavor underscores a shared belief in the power of open-source software and the collective resolve to ensure its prosperity for the future.