Nitrux 3.2.0 Unveils Aesthetic FHS, Simplifying Directory Structure

Nitrux 3.2.0 with Liquorix kernel 6.6.2 and Aesthetic FHS introduce a user-friendly directory structure and significant updates.

Nitrux is a desktop-oriented immutable Linux distribution based on the Debian unstable branch that features a custom desktop environment called NX Desktop, built upon the KDE Plasma 5.

The latest 3.2.0 release, running on the advanced Liquorix kernel 6.6.2, presents notable enhancements and introduces the pioneering โ€œAesthetic File Hierarchy Standard (FHS), marking a significant step forward in the distribution evolution.

Nitrux 3.2.0 Highlights

Nitrux 3.2.0 'af'
Nitrux 3.2.0 ‘af’

Nitrux consistently stands out from other Linux distributions due to its unique perspective and methods in handling software management and its distinctive vision for desktop environments, among other aspects.

But now it’s advancing even more by introducing the Aesthetic Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) in an initial form. This innovative approach reorganizes the root directory structure to make it more intuitive and human-readable. So, what does the root (“/”) directory look like now? Here it is:

Nitrux's Aesthetic FHS
Nitrux’s Aesthetic FHS

Yes, you saw correctly – there are merely three primary folders, specifically “Applications,” “System,” and “Users.” However, before any concerns arise, it’s important to note that the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard is still available in this version; it’s just not visible. At the same time, though, it’s expected to be replaced entirely by the Aesthetic FHS in future Nitrux releases.

Software-wise, noteworthy among the updates is the upgrade of Firefox to version 120.0, ensuring users benefit from the latest web technologies and security improvements. KDE Gear apps collection has also been updated to version 23.08.3, enhancing the user experience.

Other notable upgrades include Pipewire 1.0, Wireplumber 0.4.16, and the NVIDIA Display Driver to version 545.29.06. Moreover, the distribution now supports additional daemons for running Nitrux on Hyper-V, and Distrobox has been updated to version 1.6.0.

In terms of security, the Calamares installer has also seen substantial improvements. It now enforces stricter user password policies during installation, requiring passwords to include a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.

Although this policy applies only to the initial “system administrator” account, users are discouraged from using insecure passwords post-installation.

Another security enhancement is that Nitrux 3.2.0 adds signed bootloader binaries for Secure Boot compatibility. However, users should note that the Liquorix kernel is not signed, and alternate kernels might be required for full Secure Boot functionality.

The dev team has also addressed various issues, including fixes for Distrobox container management and DNS resolution challenges. Additionally, the ISC DHCP client, an unmaintained component from early releases, has been removed to streamline the distribution.

You can refer to the release announcement for detailed information about all changes in Nitrux 3.2.0. The distro is available for immediate download, so if you want to try it right now, go to the projectโ€™s website and grab your installation ISO image.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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