EndeavourOS is a user-friendly Arch Linux-based distro with some handy new features that improve the user experience. Rolling releases are the norm for Arch-based Linux distributions.
EndeavourOS might well be the perfect solution for less experienced Linux users to getting the best that Arch Linux offers. It is an ideal starting point to begin exploring what makes Arch-based distros different from the rest of Linux world.
What’s new in EndeavourOS 2021.04

Above all, the new release brings two tiling window managers BSPWM and Sway as a community edition. BSPWM is a tiling window manager that is based on Xorg and Sway being the i3 window manager replacement running on Wayland.
Both editions are customized by the community members with an EndeavourOS touch and can run independently or on top of a desktop environment.
Deepin desktop environment has been an option in the installation ISO since December 2019, but it was far from a smooth ride on EndeavourOS.
After months of monitoring and waiting the improvement on performance didn’t arrive, the EndeavourOS devs decided to drop the Deepin desktop environment from its list of options for the online installer.
List of more important updates:
- Calamares
- Firefox 87.0-2
- Linux kernel 5.11.14-arch-1-1
- Mesa 21.0.2-1
- nvidia-dkms 465.24.02-1
It is important to note that the project also has a renewed wiki.
If you want a fresh EndeavourOS install, you can get your copy from the project’s download page and create a bootable USB flash drive. If you are already running EndeavourOS, there is no need to reinstall. Just open the “Update in Terminal” app from the menu. You would get all the latest packages and updates.