There are a lot of drawing apps for Linux, but most of them have a heavy focus on artists and are filled with sophisticated features. If you’re not interested in fancy features but want a simple drawing app, try Drawing instead.
Drawing allows you to draw or edit pictures with tools such as pencil, line or arc, selection, shapes, text insertion, resizing, cropping, rotating, and so on. The app is now part of the GNOME Circle initiative.
What’s new in Drawing 0.8.0
Now you can finally use a tablet and a stylus to draw with pressure-sensitive tools, such as the new ‘brush’ and ‘airbrush’. The fullscreen mode has been completely redesigned to provide an easier yet less intrusive access to the tools and their options. In addition, filters have been rewritten to be more reliable, and a new filter to harmoniously increase contrast has been added.
When you move or delete the selection, now the pixels left behind can optionally be a specific color, rather than always tranparency. This specific color can be excluded from the selection. That feature is complex to explain with words, try it yourself you’ll see.
Options such as the text background type and the shape filling style are now persisted when closing the application.
The user interface for selecting the active color application mode has been rewritten to better show the accurate label, and better organize the possible modes as submenus. The “blur” mode has been removed, which simplified the situation and allowed several tools (“shapes” and “brushes”) to get support for the color application modes in general.
How to install Drawing free basic image editor app
Drawing 0.8.0 is the latest release and is more stable, more capable, and more featured than earlier builds. The recommended way to install the most recent version is to use flatpak.
Flatpak command line instructions:
flatpak install flathub com.github.maoschanz.drawing
flatpak run com.github.maoschanz.drawing
Code language: CSS (css)
If you’re using Ubuntu you can install Drawing by adding an unofficial Drawing PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cartes/drawing
sudo apt install drawing
You can also find Drawing’s source code on Github.