Amazon Linux 2022 Was Recently Opened to Public Preview

The distro uses the Fedora project as its upstream

Amazon Linux 2022 (AL2022) is an Amazon’s new general purpose Linux for AWS that is designed to provide a secure, stable, and high-performance execution environment to develop and run your cloud applications. The distro has had two major releases till now – the first (Amazon Linux) in 2010, and the second (Amazon Linux 2) in 2017.

Amazon Linux is popular among AWS users for its tight integration with AWS tools, and no license costs. That combination is a clear pitch for the AWS users to also use the upcoming AL2022 if they want full AWS experience.

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Until now, Amazon Linux releases, Amazon Linux and Amazon Linux 2, were based on two systems, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Fedora, but Amazon Linux 2022 is clearly based only on Fedora. However, AWS may add or replace specific packages from other non-Fedora upstreams.

It’s important to mention that the preview of AL2022 is based on Fedora 34, while the full release will move up to Fedora 35.

One thing that distinguishes Amazon Linux 2022 from Fedora is its release cycle. AWS plans to provide a major Amazon Linux update every 2 years, and each major version can be supported for 5 years, and maintenance updates can be obtained every quarter.

In addition, Amazon Linux 2022 will also allow users to lock to a version of the Amazon Linux package repository they prefer. This, Amazon says, gives customers control over how and when they absorb updates.

AL2022 has SELinux enabled and enforced by default to help users with their security posture, reduce their operational overhead, and comply with the common industry standards.

The preview version of Amazon Linux 2022 is available in all commercial regions and is provided at no additional charge. The distro is available via AWS control panel as AMIs.

In conclusion, if you’re already running Amazon Linux 2, once it’s released to General Availability (GA), AL2022 may be a worthwhile solution for several years. AWS FAQ promises an in-place upgrade guide once AL2022 becomes GA.

For more information about Amazon Linux 2022, you can refer to the official announcement or by visiting the AWS website.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.