Miracle-WM 0.5 Released with Drag-and-Drop Tiling

Miracle-WM 0.5 Wayland compositor is here with drag-and-drop tiling, floating mini-grids, window animations, and bug fixes.

Miracle-WM, a new Wayland compositor featuring a tiling window manager at its core, rooted in the foundations of Ubuntu’s Mir display server, has just rolled out its latest version, 0.5.

One of Miracle-WM 0.5’s most eye-catching additions is the ability to drag and drop containers. Users can effortlessly move containers around in a traditional tiling grid by holding the designated action key plus the Shift key.

They can also use this same intuitive interface to reposition floating windows. In fact, floating containers themselves have been supercharged with the option to turn into “mini” tiling grids.

Another enhancement is support for i3/sway-style command criteria. Although a few X11-specific bits were trimmed, the overall compatibility means many popular window manager commands are easier to integrate. New window-closing animations, as well as fade-in and fade-out effects, also come by default now.

Miracle-WM 0.5 also includes many bug fixes. For example, fullscreen windows are finally displayed on the correct layer, ensuring they appear above shell elements.

Additionally, the developers have addressed performance hiccups related to X11 flickering and tightened up output replug handling, which aims to reduce headaches when connecting or disconnecting displays.

Lastly, the team reports enhanced test coverage, improved animation smoothness, and better lifetime management under the hood, making Miracle-WM more stable and responsive.

For more information about all the changes in the new Miracle-WM 0.5, visit the release’s changelog.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.