XClicker is a Simple Auto Clicker for Linux Desktops

XClicker is an auto clicker software for Linux that automates mouse clicks and helps you automate repetitive tasks.

Mouse auto clickers are incredibly useful in scenarios that require you to repeat mouse movements and clicks.

For example, if you are tired of clicking the mouse a thousand times while carrying out routine and laborious tasks, auto clicker tools help you solve that problem. In short, the software tool makes automatic clicks.

So, auto clickers are usually used to mimic clicks. However, this is mostly used in online games. You need to press the hotkey designed to initiate the clicks, and you’re all set.

XClicker: Auto Clicker for Linux

XClicker is an open-source, easy-to-use, feature-rich, blazing-fast auto clicker for Linux desktops using x11. It automatically generates mouse clicks at preset intervals, and it doesn’t cost money.

XClicker Auto Clicker for Linux

By default, XClicker automatically clicks the current point where the mouse pointer is on the screen. To automatically click at some location on the screen, you would need to specify the X and Y coordinates of that particular location. 

Click on the “Get” button and move the mouse cursor to the desired location. When you are on it, click the left mouse button, and the coordinates will be automatically populated into the app.

XClicker can simulate the left or right mouse button, no matter where the mouse pointer is currently located. In addition, you can set custom hotkey combos to start and stop the program, too.

XClicker Settings

XClicker Highlights

  • Simple layout.
  • Safe mode, to protect from unwanted behavior.
  • Auto click with a specified amount of time between each click.
  • Choose mouse button [Left/Right/Middle].
  • Repeat until stopped or repeat a given amount of times.
  • Click on a specified location only.
  • Start / Stop with a custom hotkey.

How to Install XClicker on Linux

Setting up XClicker on your Linux PC is a simple task. First, go to the downloads page on the project website and download the AppImage file.

Once downloaded, cd into the download folder and run:

chmod +x ./*.AppImage

Related: 20 Basic Linux Commands for Beginners Explained with Examples

You should now be able to execute the AppImage like any other application by just double-clicking on it.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.