Linux Mint 22 Codename Unveiled

Wilma is the future: Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon edition promises a new Nemo Actions Organizer. LMDE 6 catches up with 21.3.

The Linux Mint community is starting the new year with some exciting announcements. The beloved Linux distro, known for its user-friendliness and reliability, continues to thrive thanks to its users’ overwhelming support.

The generosity of the Mint users has been overwhelming. In December, 751 donors contributed $24,146, and in January, 633 donors continued the trend. But far more important is something else.

The Future: Linux Mint 22 ‘Wilma’

The much-anticipated Linux Mint 22 has been officially codenamed ‘Wilma.’ This release is expected to be built on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, which is scheduled to be released in April. A sneak peek into its features reveals an innovative Nemo Actions Organizer for the Cinnamon edition.

This tool promises enhanced organization of Nemo actions into menus and submenus, complete with nested submenu support, menu icons, separators, and drag-and-drop functionality. Users can also look forward to customizing action names and icons, adding a layer of personalization to their experience.

Linux Mint 22 Nemo File Manager
Image credits: Linux Mint

Ease of Upgrade for 20.3’s Users

Users of Linux Mint 20.3 can now breathe a sigh of relief with the backported upgrade tool. This enhancement simplifies the transition from version 20.3 to 21, smoothing out the upgrade path and addressing the handling of orphan/foreign packages.

LMDE 6 Enhancements

Linux Mint 21.3 โ€˜Virginia,โ€™ the latest stable release, was announced earlier this month. The upgrade path from versions 21, 21.1, and 21.2 quickly followed. Hereโ€™s our quick and easy-to-follow guide to help you upgrade if youโ€™re still using them.

But what’s more important is that all new features from Linux Mint 21.3, such as the latest Cinnamon 6, have been backported to LMDE 6, ensuring that users of the Debian-based edition are not left behind in experiencing the latest improvements and functionalities.


Bug Fixes and Wayland Session Awareness

Linux Mint’s dedication to a smooth user experience was evident as they addressed and fixed several regressions that slipped through the BETA phase. These fixes include resolving issues with mintstick handling spaces in file paths, the Cinnamon screensaver in HiDPI settings, and session dialog windows for multiple users.

However, users of Linux Mint 20.3 employing Wayland sessions are advised to exercise caution. Recognizing potential impacts on Xorg sessions, the team recommends a reboot when switching back to Xorg from Wayland, emphasizing that Wayland’s support in 20.3 is still experimental.

For further details, please refer to the January report featured on the Linux Mint Blog.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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