The upcoming Plasma 6 desktop environment, set to release on February 28, is anticipated to be a revolutionary milestone in its evolution, transforming the user experience with advanced features and a modern interface.
The new version promises to bring many innovations and improvements, such as reliable Wayland support, a revamped panel, support for HDR gaming, an improved Discover app, a new task switcher, and other functional and aesthetic enhancements.

To guarantee the desktop environment’s successful launch and secure its short-term financial stability, the developers asked the community for monetary support last September. They aimed for 500 new contributing members. And the community responded enthusiastically to this call!
Early Success: A Community Driven by Generosity
In a remarkable show of support and enthusiasm, the KDE community has hit a significant financial milestone well ahead of the much-anticipated release of Plasma 6. The first major goal set by the KDE developers – to reach 500 supporters – was achieved two months before the scheduled launch of Plasma 6.
But the success continues beyond there. The KDE team ambitiously set a second financial target: adding 100 more backers. And guess what? In an impressive display of support, this goal, too, has been met with time to spare. What can we add? Only, hats off to you supporters!
So, with the clock ticking down – just 50 days left until launch – the KDE team’s dedication to keeping their software up-to-date, secure, and packed with new features is clearer than ever.
This financial backing ensures a smooth launch for Plasma 6 and a promising short-term future, relieving some of the pressure off the volunteer developers and allowing them to focus on what they do best: innovating and enhancing KDE.
Utilization of Funds: A Transparent Approach
KDE’s transparent approach to utilizing these funds adds to the community’s trust. Contributions are allocated to critical areas like financing developer meetups, covering travel costs for significant tech events, ensuring the success of KDE’s yearly community event, maintaining KDE’s physical and digital infrastructure, and hiring essential support staff.
Looking Ahead
While these milestones cause celebration, the KDE community is keen to maintain the momentum gained. It’s crucial to understand that attaining these goals doesn’t signify an end to the fundraising efforts.
Instead, it’s a rallying call for all who can contribute to continue supporting KDE Plasma. The ongoing financial contributions will aid in bringing Plasma 6 and other KDE software to a broader audience, well beyond the FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software) sphere.
Becoming a KDE supporter is a straightforward process for those wishing to join this supportive community. Contributions can be made monthly or as a one-time donation.
Of course, your generosity won’t go unrecognized if you opt to become a KDE supporter. Apart from the intrinsic reward of supporting a cause close to your heart, the Plasma devs offer tangible tokens of appreciation, including your name shining bright on the donation page and even being displayed in Plasma 6 itself!
How to Become a Supporter
It’s very simple. Fill out the form on this page, and for less than €10 a month, you too can support the champions who tirelessly improve the software we all love and (some of us) use every day. If you prefer a one-time donation – click here. Remember, the KDE development ecosystem is a bustling hive of activity, and every supporting member helps keep it buzzing.
In conclusion, of course, this success story isn’t just about numbers; it’s about the spirit of generosity that drives the KDE community, where volunteers, developers, and supporters come together, driven by a shared passion for open-source software and a commitment to keeping KDE’s projects vibrant, secure, and cutting-edge.