Hyprland Celebrates Its Third Birthday with v0.48

Hyprland 0.48 tiling Wayland compositor is out with major improvements, including ANR dialogs, full-color management, sync fixes, and more.

Almost two months after its previous 0.47 release, Hyprland, a favorite among fans of eye-pleasing tiling window compositors, has just rolled out version 0.48, packed with various under-the-hood improvements and a handful of user-facing goodies.

But before we dive into the novelties, it is important to highlight that this release marks three years since Hyprland first appeared on March 16, 2022.

In just three years, it’s become one of the most popular and widely respected Wayland compositors out there — and that alone speaks volumes about the quality of the software. So, Happy Third Birthday to Hyprland, and here’s to more exciting releases! Now, back to the topic.

First and foremost, Hyprland 0.48 introduces a brand-new ANR (Application Not Responding) dialog. This handy feature depends on hyprland-qtutils, which most major packaging systems have already picked up.

In addition, the beloved groupbar has undergone significant improvements—users can now customize everything from rounding and font size to gaps and height.

Another significant development in Hyprland 0.48 is full-fledged color management. It now supports the new CM protocol, enabling precise color transformations. In simple terms, this means more consistent and accurate color rendering across applications.

This release also includes a series of fixes targeting synchronization issues. The team has addressed longstanding problems, such as lag on NVIDIA hardware and flickering under high GPU utilization, by tackling explicit sync and regular sync refinements.

Last but not least, the newest version ships with several other noteworthy additions:

  • Xwayland Improvements: Large data transfer (INCR) support, drag-and-drop refinements, and more.
  • GNOMEd Animation Style: A fresh window animation style inspired by the GNOME experience.
  • Pinned Window Rule Selector: Greater flexibility for users who like to keep certain windows always on top.
  • New cyclenext hist Option: Enhanced window navigation for a more seamless workflow.
  • IPC Support for Hyprsunset: More robust functionality for automating screen color adjustments.
  • --hl-url in Hyprpm: A custom Hyprland sources URL for streamlined package management.
  • flip_x and flip_y for Touchpads: Extra configuration settings, allowing more ergonomic control.
  • follow_mouse_threshold: A delay feature that determines when the focus should follow the mouse.
  • Extended Idle-Notify (Version 2): Improved energy-saving measures and notifications.

As usual, this new release also includes many bug fixes. The complete list can be found on the project’s GitHub page. For more details, check out the announcement.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.