Rspamd 3.10 Released with Enhanced MIME UTF8 Support

Rspamd 3.10 spam filtering system brings enhanced MIME UTF8 support and negative score limits for improved email scanning.

Rspamd, a free and open-source advanced spam filtering system widely recognized for its efficiency and flexibility in managing email spam through various modules and algorithms, released its latest update, 3.10.

Favored for its performance and low resource usage, it is typically used with MTAs like Postfix or Exim to provide real-time spam filtering as a highly efficient solution in the ongoing battle against spam.

Whatโ€™s News in Rspamd 3.10

First and foremost, Rspamd now correctly processes MIME UTF8 messages without penalizing them, ensuring better handling of internationalized emails and enhancing compatibility with modern email clients.

In addition, administrators can now set negative group score limits using the new “min_score” parameter. This feature provides greater flexibility in scoring policies and allows for more granular control over spam detection thresholds.

Moreover, Rspamd now allows setting specific rate limits and expiration times for individual fuzzy encryption keys, enabling finer control over fuzzy checks and helping reduce false positives.

Rspamd 3.10 has also added SenderScore Reputation RBL and RPBL return codes to improve spam detection further. These additions enhance sender reputation checks, making identifying and filtering out spam emails based on sender behavior easier.

And now, something very exciting – the new version introduces full support for OpenSSL 3.0, including integration with DKIM, thus ensuring better security and compliance with the latest cryptographic standards.

On top of that, Rspamd now includes new command-line utilities to enhance its functionality:

  • Lua Script String Encryption: Added tooling to allow string encryption within Lua scripts, improving scripting capabilities and security.
  • rspamadm secretbox: A tool for secret key encryption and decryption.

We can’t help mentioning also that a new “reporting.only_domains” setting for more granular DMARC reporting has been implemented. This feature allows administrators to specify domains for which DMARC reports should be generated, providing more targeted insights.

On the bug fixes side, the following improvements have been made:

  • ARC and DMARC Improvements: Several issues related to ARC and DMARC have been resolved.
  • Redis Integration Fixes: Fixed Redis scripts uploading when Redis is not ready and addressed configuration schema issues to ensure smoother operation.
  • Control Block Support Removed: Eliminated broken control block support to streamline the codebase.
  • DCC Reputation Handling: Fixed issues with DCC reputation handling for more accurate spam detection.
  • Learning from Empty Tasks: Resolved problems related to learning from empty tasks, improving the effectiveness of the machine learning components.
  • ICAP Path Encoding: Improved ICAP by encoding constructed paths to be URL-safe.
  • Lua Redis Error Reporting: Enhanced error reporting in lua_redis, making diagnosing and fixing issues easier.

In addition to the above, several outdated rules have also been fixed and updated. For additional information about all novelties in Rspamd 3.10, refer to the projectโ€™s release announcement or view the full changelog.

Bobby Borisov

Bobby Borisov

Bobby, an editor-in-chief at Linuxiac, is a Linux professional with over 20 years of experience. With a strong focus on Linux and open-source software, he has worked as a Senior Linux System Administrator, Software Developer, and DevOps Engineer for small and large multinational companies.

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